
In my next life ...

Interiores Minimalistas

... I would like to live in a large loft. With very few furniture, plenty of free space, an open and minimalist kitchen, huge industrial windows and the possibility to drive with a kickboard from A to B or C. Yeah - that would be heavenly ...



A little red for good mood and lots of ideas

Apart from a few little things my office is now usable again. Although the room is terribly small, it now looks much larger. All got a new paint and the heavy pieces of furniture (cabinet, shelf, printer table) additional roles. This allows the room easy to clean and also change quickly when needed. On pictures, mirrors or similar I have deliberately dispensed. And if I may someday no longer red, I can quickly use a different accent color. Oh yeah ... I've only worked with furniture fundus and nothing newly bought ;)



Cozy wool is marvelous throughout the year

                                                                                                                  all photos: Pinterest 'wool'

Scratchy, old-fashioned or 'NO GO' was once -
today wool is cuddly, soft and a stylish 'MUST HAVE'
